>History of MN/DAK Edible Beans


Edible beans were undoubtedly grown by settlers that moved to this area from the eastern U.S.  Commercial production of edible beans (navy and great northern ) in MN/ DAK, first occurred in Minnesota during World War II. The commercial production of edible beans ended shortly after the war. It was not until the 1960's that edible beans re-entered the MN/DAK area on a commercial basis. The acreage of MN/DAK edible beans fluctuated over the years until the mid to late 1970's. The classes of beans grown in the area are predominantly pinto and navy beans. As the area has grown and matured; there has been an introduction of other class beans such as dark and light kidney beans, red beans, black beans, small red beans, pink beans and the re-introduction of great northern beans.

The MN/DAK area has suitable growing conditions for the production of dry edible beans. Fertile soils, adequate moisture on average, long summer days, growers who are innovative managers and are on the leading edge of new technology; make this area #1 in the production of dry beans in the United States.

Dry Beans have become a permanent part of many MN/DAK grower's rotation. The production of edible beans has helped many growers make their farming operation more profitable. Along with the increased profitability, these growers are producing a nutritious high protein food source  that helps feed a hungry world.

Central Valley Bean Co-op ( CVBC ) was established in 1982. The Original sight contained just the main house. Since then steel bins have been constructed for additional storage and a modern navy receiving facility was built. A major flat storage building was erected in 1993 and more storage buildings were purchased in 1995. A modern state of  the art processing plant was completed in the spring of 1997. The plant is a major investment in the Cooperatives future. The addition of this process facility has enabled CVBC to increase plant efficiency and improve its quality of the milled product. Higher quality product is being demanded by the industry and these demands need to be continually met to maintain CVBC reputation of a quality supplier of dry beans.

Receiving stations were established in 1989 at Pisek, ND; 1991 at Kloten, ND; 1995 at Lankin, ND; 1996 at Reynolds, ND and Hatton, ND; 1997 at Cando, ND and Climax, MN. As of recently as 2001 a new receiving station was established in Devils Lake, ND. The cooperative is made up of approximately 400 members.

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