Grower's Handbook
Plant Description
Edible Bean Production an...
Crop Rotation
Seed Bed Prep
Planting, Plant Populatio...
Planter Plates, Determini...
Weed Control
Herbicide Guide
Dry Bean Disease
Fungicide Guide
Insecticide Guide
Estimating Crop Yields
Estimating Field Loss & H...
Seed Bed Preparation

1) Keep your seed bed as level as possible. A level seed bed will help make planting and harvesting easier.

2) Prepare a firm seed bed to plant into.

3) Overworking the soil can cause compaction.


1) It is recommended that "Western Grown Seed" or "Certified Seed" be planted. Look to buy seed from a reputable seed source. Planting seed from a reputable source will help give you low risk of seed-borne disease, high germination, seed purity, and uniformity of seed size. Dry bean seed grown without being field inspected and laboratory tested may become a source of seed borne bacterial and/or anthracnose. Know your seed source.

2) Seed treatment with maximum 4 FS, Apron XL LS, Metalaxyl, PCNB, Captan, Streptomycin Sulfate, and Lorsban provide protection for the seed. Maxim (fungicide) gives you good to excellent control of seed-borne and soil-borne fungi. Maxim is registered for control of Rhizoctania and Fusarium. Apron (fungicide) and Metalaxyl (fungicide) is used to control Pythium. PCNB ( fungicide) controls early season Rhizoctania and Fusarium. Captan (fungicide) helps prevent damping off in the soil. Streptomycin Sulfate (bactericide) controls bacteria on the seed's surface. Lorsban (insecticide) guards against the seed corn maggot and wirework attack in the soil.

3) Choose dry bean varieties that fit your growing conditions and farming practices. Some varieties may be more suitable to your sol types.

4) ALWAYS HANDLE YOUR DRY BEAN SEED WITH CARE. Do not drop seed bags or a handling of the seed can cause internal damage to the seed. Internal damage results in breakage of the seed's growing point. The effects of the damage are called a baldhead. Baldheads are seed that germinate and emerge but have no growing point. These plants die shortly after emergence and you are left with a lower plant population than desired.
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